Sunday, August 22, 2010

Last Thoughts of Summer...

This past week Miah has been on a break from school! She is going to BYU and just got done with summer session! It has been a blast having her here. Our pool is finally finished, so we have just been laying out by the pool and shopping!
Yesterday, Whitney came up and the three of us had the opportunity to go to the Jordan River temple. It was such a good experience to go to the temple with them. We got to see a man doing a baptism for his dad, and next he was on his way to see his mom get sealed to him. (We think). On our way to the temple I was thinking, "Wow, this is a big day for someone and I have the opportunity to do work for them." While being in the temple I have such a great feeling that is just so peaceful. I love looking around and seeing white every where and listening to the soft music playing. I love hearing the little whispers of the temple workers and seeing how happy they are to serve there.
Having Whitney here was so fun! It's just a blast to have the three of us together. We are just crazy and goofy. I love both of you guys like sisters! Thanks for always looking out for me. :)
School starts in four days and i'm so nervous for two reasons: I'm going to high school and i'm going to a school in new boundries so I really don't know many people at all! I'm so looking forward to a new year and high school. I'm ready for new experiences and ready to meet more people! There's always so much excitement on the first day that I always love! I know this year will be great!
As Mariah has been here I've seen her looking at Stephanie Nielson's blog. (If that's how it's spelled) So I started looking at it so see what the big deal was, and I was amazed! She is so strong! I can't imagine being so strong after a life changing experience for the worst happened. She has to have so much faith everyday as she lives her life and goes out in public. She constantly has people looking at her weird and talking about her, but for me she is a great example. Also, she is hilarious! She finds so much humor in life that just makes me laugh with her. She is so creative too. Despite her trials in life, she is a happy women who loves her familly and the gospel so much. It's kind of ironic that today in sunday school we learned about Job. He literally lost everything, but always had the faith and courage to keep going. All of his friends and family told him to pretty much give up due to illnesses and the fact that he had nothing. He never gave up and in the end he got double the blessings! Stephanie obviously didn't lose everything, but she has to face this trial for the rest of her life. Even though this has happened she is so strong and never gave up through the hardest times in the hospital and surgeries. She is such a great example to so many people including me!
This has been a great summer, and i'm glad it ended on a good note! My 15th birthday is on Wednesday, and I can't wait! It will be great. :) I'm looking forward to growing up more this year. I think i'll probably grow this year the most than I have any other year, because i'll be surrounded by older people. I can't wait to start seminary again either and be able to grow even more while learning about the Doctorine and Covenants. This year will be great, but wish me luck!


Mariah Payne said...

SO glad I have been able to spend the past few weeks with you Tay! I love ya tons!

lora said...

tay! i miss you so much wow so you did have a great summer it sounds like and i also love stephinie nielson im not sure how to spell it.any way happy upcoming birthday! i really really and a thousand times more want you guys to come and visit.well i love you love lo lo

Kristen said...

Happy Birthday Taylor! Good luck at school tomorrow. Zach is loving High School so far..only 3 days into it!

Whitney Ann said...

happy birthday tay! I love you! It's been so fun hanging out with you. :)